Joint Operations Centre

The Inkerman Group

The Inkerman Group’s Operations Centre manages dedicated client and emergency helplines on a 24/7/365 basis on a wide variety of security and well-being matters in support to client personnel. We are well-versed in all aspects of this service provision including from the need to route individual calls to other related service providers such as health insurers, medical services, travel agencies and other travel-related generic enquiries through to Kidnap and Ransom and Incident-related helplines providing support and advice.

These services include a client specific emergency number and / or supports the bespoke escalation procedures agreed with clients at the contract set-up stage and in consultation with their company security teams.

Multilingual Services

The Inkerman Group operates on a global basis and therefore employs staff with a wide range of language skills throughout the business but particularly in the Operations Centre environment, recognising that in times of difficulty and stress, business travellers find it easier and reassuring to be able to converse with operators in their own language.

Operated and supported by The Inkerman Group’s 24/7/365 Joint Operations Centre which monitors, advises and responds to client’s requirements on a global basis.

Emergency helplines are an integral part to the response services available to clients and their personnel.